About me

Hello, my name is Syldys and I am a software engineer. I am a graduate of AppAcademy with a background in human rights. I went to a chess club for 5 years. I am passionate about 3D sculpting, baseball, board and video games.

My projects

  • OpenDnDTable

    OpenDnDTable is an online service for booking tables for DnD sessions. Built with Rails, React Hooks, Redux, Javascript, and PostgreSQL. Integrates Google Maps API and AWS S3.This project was inspired by OpenTable website.

    Live Demo GitHub
  • Flux

    Flux is a travel planner that solves two common trip challenges; the dates and the destination. Built using the MERN stack which consists of MongoDB Atlas as a NoSQL database, Express.js as a framework for Node.js, and React/Redux for state management. Mongoose is used as an Object Data Modeling (ODM) Library for MongoDb and Node.js. A Gmail API is used to interact with users' Gmail inboxes. Flux is styled using SCSS.

    Live Demo GitHub
  • JamesWebb

    This project is about the largest, the most powerful and complex space telescope ever built and launched into space. Built with Javascript, CSS.

    Live Demo GitHub
